03.26.2007 - In the past year, the giant squid, which
has never been captured alive, photographed alive, or video
taped alive... has done all three. News to you? Just Google
"giant squid" and you'll see what I mean. For me, this is roughly
the equivalent of finding the Lochness Monster. I mean it's
a kraken for crying out loud! The terror of the deep! Totally
exciting news at first, but then it happened again, and again,
and again... Huh?!?!?! Doesn't that seem odd? What the heck
is going on down there! And sting rays, which have never been
in the news before are physically leaping into boats and attacking
people! See what I mean? I figure it's due to the severe lack
of Starbucks Coffeehouses in the deep. Let's give em what they
want.. Frappuccinos! |
- Just this week I saw Elvis: LIVE on PBS. After 20 years, Elvis's
original band reformed to do one last show with the KING. What was
surprising to me was how old everyone in the band had become, yet
Elvis was as young as ever. I hear it's because the CIA has been keeping
him at AREA 51 along with some space aliens they captured back in
the 50's. Or maybe Elvis is a space alien? I can't remember the exact
details. So, at AREA 51, the space aliens feed him this special strawberry
ice cream that keeps him young. I hope I get to live at AREA 51 someday.
I'll eat whatever they give me! That way when Rocketboy reforms again
in another 20 years, everyone can say... "Wow Slade, you're so
young... but incredibly fat! What have you been eating for the past
20 years? Ice cream???" |